Aire De L'etang Du Tour
Coordinate GPS : Longitudine : -0.08847 Latitudine : 48.40217
Indirizzo :
l'etang du tour nord
53370 St Pierre Des Nids
Tipo di area : Area comunale GRATUITA
Vedi nelle vicinanze
Non sono ancora stati segnalati luoghi da visitare vicino a questa area.
Archie [ip xxx.x82.182.252] scritto il 14.07.2012 à 18:06:59 :
This is a very small area and not suited to large camping-cars. Roadworks were being carried out in the town and the aire was being used to store materiel and plant which made manoeuvring difficult. It was very quiet, free and had all the facilities listed above.
MOTORS GATE, au Capital de 5000 € , SIRET N° 531322998 R.C.S. Orleans
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